The first time I tasted turmeric milk, before realising it was such a health-trend fringe-food was at a friend's party in Miami. She's someone who knows how to give a party warmth and break through that icy, mingling with a drink in your hand feel that parties can often take on. She did this with soft lighting, candles, an aromatherapy diffuser, and in addition to a bar of wines, alcohols and mixers, she had warm teas, smoothies and a beautiful thermos of lightly sweetened turmeric milk. It was the perfect vibe to go along with the crystal meditation bowl-sound healing session that followed with everyone lying on rugs and furs, absorbing the healing vibrations of the beautiful singing bowls. But I digress... Months later in Paris during the winter, in our magical attic apartment/recording studio covered in tiny fairy lights (we like to say we live in Neverland, what I would imagine the inside of Tink's lantern to look like), and turmeric milk became my life force during long rainy nights of writing and creating while Ulysse made music until the sun rose. To give an extra energy boost, I would sometimes infuse two bags of black tea... It was the perfect post-dinner sweet fix and late night hunger pang easer and a much more effective and healthy option than coffee.
The Truth About Turmeric...
You might have noticed articles flying around the internet stating that turmeric doesn't work. Read more closely and you'll see this highly replicated article trending across blogs fed off the click-ability of the turmeric craze, but in fact, it's based entirely off of a clinical study that stated that although benefits were possibly, that particular research found inclusive results. Part of this backlash is do to the turmeric sensalization that is exploding on the blogesphere. Claims that turmeric can replace "14 drugs" and is just as effective as the strongest anti-inflammatories. I take turmeric everyday (and will get to the why) but as someone who deals with a chronic pain condition and extreme levels of inflammation throughout my entire body, I can tell you that even a large dose of turmeric has nothing on my prescription strength anti-inflammatory medications I am forced to take at times.
What Turmeric Actually Does...
Turmeric has been used for thousands of years, coming from India and is an integral part of Ayurvedic healing. There are clear health benefits to this spice, but like any herbal dietary supplement, turmeric is only part of the puzzle, and it can take up to three months of daily ingestion to notice effects. But a lot of the benefits of turmeric are taking place deep inside our organ systems. Facilitating the liver's ability to detoxify itself, reducing inflammation throughout the body, including the brain, and at times, the effects can even be noticed in the skin. But it is important to understand the causes of our body's "dysfunctions." For example, if someone has acne due to fatigue, poor diet, etc, turmeric can have a noticeable effect given the fact that acne is essentially an inflammation within pores and follicles, but if acne is being caused by a hormonal imbalance, turmeric won't cut it as it can't effectively treat the cause.
How to Increase the Effectiveness of Turmeric
Health Benefits
(2-4 servings)
Milk of choice (pictured: almond), 1 cup
1/2 cup water
Cumin pods, small handful
Ground turmeric, 1.5–2 tablespoons
Black Pepper, a few grains or 2 teaspoonsCinnamon, 3 sticks or 1 tablespoon
Ginger, several slices fresh ginger or 2 teaspoons powdered ginger
Anise, 3-4 star pods or 1 teaspoon powdered anise
Vanilla, sprinkle of seeds or a 2-3 drops
Agave or Honey (aim for organic to avoid pesticides), 1-2 tablespoons