“Respectful of natural elements and cycles, the modern witch (or wizard) makes every effort to find the benefits in every ingredient he or she uses. In this magical new recipe book, you can find natural recipes for not only delicious foods but also tonics, masks, and ointments. These recipes are not only fantastic and fun to eat and use, but are also health-boosting, increasing immunity, longevity, energy, and even fertility! Each ingredient is used to its full potential in order to intensify its properties on health and prevent pains, fight blue days, favor sleep, boost energy, purify the body, cleanse skin, and more! Everything in this fantastical collection is real alchemy between respect for nature and guilty (and tasty) pleasures. With generous recipes, potion-drinks, body masks, and other beauty cares, you can learn about the witch’s way of life in The Natural Witch's Cookbook!”
French Edition
“Un vrai grimoire de sorcière. L’ouvrage de Lisanna Wallance,”Mes secrets de sorcières” est une vraie bible de recettes au naturel. Une cuisine basée sur les quatre éléments, la terre, l’eau, le feu et le vent. Attention, pas de méprise, il ne s’agit pas ici d’un vieux grimoire poussiéreux qui contient des sorts étranges, mais d’un livre pour apprendre de nouveaux le pouvoir des plantes pour soigner, suivre le rythme des saisons, être plus en synergie avec la nature, adopter une alimentation plus saine.” - Marmiton
“Des oignons farcis de magie anti-inflammatoire ou du veau sautillant d’allégresse: voici un drôle de livre de recettes pour femmes émancipées, ou sorcières libérées ! Parfaitement dans l’air du temps” – Elisabeth Quin, Madame Figaro
Faites entrer la magie dans votre vie avec ce grimoire de 100 recettes, conçues pour suivre le cycle de la lune et de la nature et adaptées au mode de vie de la sorcière moderne. Initiez-vous au mode de vie de la sorcière à travers de nombreuses recettes et cosmétiques pour faire entrer la magie dans tous les moments de votre quotidien.
Ce superbe grimoire contient de nombreuses recettes respectueuses de la nature et de ses cycles. Vous apprendrez à équilibrer dans votre cuisine les quatre éléments de la nature (terre, feu, eau, terre) et à profiter au maximum de tous les bénéfices apportés par les aliments que vous consommez. Renforcez votre, corps, accédez à la sérénité, retrouvez de l'énergie, préservez la jeunesse de votre organisme en composant une alimentation équilibrée et respectueuse de la nature. Des petits plats aux potions et infusions, invitez la magie dans votre assiette !
Parce que la magie est présente dans tous les aspects de la vie, découvrez comment prendre soin de votre corps et de votre esprit avec des bains et rituels : toniques, masques et onguents n'auront plus de secrets pour vous ! Utilisez les cristaux pour rééquilibrer vos énergies, initiez vous à l'emploi des herbes sauvages et découvrez leur propriétés bienfaisantes.
Libres, puissantes, reliées à la nature et à ses pouvoirs, les sorcières vous dévoilent tous leurs secrets !
The Natural Witch’s Cookbook by Lisanna Wallance was a fun and informative cookbook. I didn’t, however, expect to be wowed by her cooking expertise. This book is worth a look!
Over the years, I’ve collected many cookbooks that were attributed to “kitchen witchery.” Sometimes these were fun tomes with seasonal recipes highlighting the Wheel of the Year. Other times they were pun-filled cookbooks that were fun but fairly unremarkable. I’ve gotten to where I’m gun-shy about reading a new cookbook that touts “kitchen magic” as I feel like I’ve seen it all. The cookbook “The Natural Witch’s Cookbook” was a pleasant and wonderful surprise.
Wallance has set to create a healthy and natural food cookbook that uses a vegetable-based, but not vegetarian, approach to cooking. They divided the parts of the cookbook into sections: Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Sweet, and Potions. Throughout the cookbook are helpful hints and tips from the author that put a unique spin on each recipe.
Much of the magic in the cookbook is the idea behind the recipes themselves. Each recipe highlights A, B and D vitamins and combines ingredients for best effect. Many of the recipes promote joint health, skin rejuvenation, and energy. Descriptions of each recipe provide the information on what the goal for each one is. In its way, each of the recipes is a type of spell to create a result.
Witches, for ages, have used food magic to create an effect or a result. It’s easy to see how this is done, as the very act of cooking is transformative itself. In art, witches are often portrayed stirring cauldrons, usually to work some magic — This is not too far removed from stirring a pot over a kitchen stove. From the fireplace to the convection oven, magic is still being done to heal and promote health with the same knowledge passed down to move from folklore to nutritional science.
Much of the impetus behind the cookbook lies in the fact that the author, Lisanna Wallance, suffers from the disorder Elhers-Danlos syndrome. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of inherited disorders that affect the connective tissues. Symptoms can sometimes include overly flexible joints and skin that’s translucent, elastic, and bruises easily (among other symptoms).
Wallance, like many others who suffer from rare disorders, had to take her nutrition seriously to help combat this syndrome, and this gave her an education on nutrition and how food affects the body. This education led to her writing recipes and sharing her work in this amazing book.
The author also took the photographs in the book and they were very well done. The photographs offered a glimpse of the art and eye appeal of the recipes more than a simple recipe itself would have done. Often the images of the food are breathtaking, offering increased effect for each spell that the recipe casts on the person eating it.
Simple recipes like “Sunrise Fruit” (page 23), is a really nice presentation and use of persimmon, a fruit that often gets short shrift. “Rebirth Autumn Root Tart” (page 35) is a lovely presentation that also tastes really terrific. I recommend this one to anyone that might attend a potluck or as a nice starter for a get-together.
“Antioxidant Quiche” (page 39) is something I tried last week for my family and it was a surprise hit! A delightful way to use artichoke hearts and other seasonal summer vegetables. “Soothing Chicken” (pg 55) is a warming comfort food hit of chicken with a sweet potato cream and a mustard cauliflower puree. My favorite of the cookbook “Euphoria Turkey with Raspberry Sauce” (page 56) is a lovely comfort food that I will definitely be making this thanksgiving, and “Immunity Orange Duck” (page 58) may be the most ingenious way I’ve seen duck prepared.
They rounded the Sweet section with “Marzipan Baked Apples” (page 125) and “Anti-Inflammatory Lemon Cake” (page 130) as well as other scrumptious offerings.
This cookbook is marvel throughout. I really want to encourage you to give this a look. Once you can see some recipes that are within, I believe you, too, will be under its spell!