2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil
2 lbs brussels sprouts
1 cup cranberries
1/2 cup pecans
8 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
4 tablespoons maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon liquid smoke
salt and pepper
Slice the hard stems off the brussels sprouts and slice them in half. Add the coconut oil to a large sauté pan or skillet and add the Brussels sprouts once the oil is sizzling hot. Toss the sprouts every so often, letting them soften and brown on the outside as they cook (about 20-30 minutes on medium-high heat).
In a separate, smaller, pan, add a little coconut oil and toss in the cranberries and pecans and sauté until they brown. Toss them often as they can burn very quickly. Add a little salt and pepper.
Once the Brussels sprouts are softened and caramelized, add the cranberries and pecans and lower the heat.
In a small bowl, combine the balsamic vinegar, maple syrup, liquid smoke, salt and pepper and mix. Raise the heat of the Brussels sprouts, and pour the smokey maple vinegar mixture over them. The liquid should sizzle and deglaze the pan. Turn often and cook up the liquid has evaporated and the sauce caramelizes over the Brussels sprouts, cranberries and pecans.