Franco-Asian fusion recipe bringing together the constructs of ramen with French ingredients.
2 chicken bouillon cubes+3 cups water or 3 cups chicken broth
2 tablespoons miso paste
1 tablespoon rice vinegar or white vinegar
1 tablespoon honey
Gluten free rice noodles
2-4 chicken cutlets (200grams)
2 zucchinis
2 shallots
3-4 scallions
Handful of sprouts
2 soft boiled eggs
- Make chicken broth from scratch (chicken bones, onions, celery, carrots, potato, any other vegetable lying around, and boil for two hours and reserve liquid) or boil 2-3 bouillon cubes in 3 cups water.
- Mix miso paste, vinegar and honey with chicken broth, stir to dissolve.
- Slice and sautée zucchini and shallots in separate pans.
- Soft boil 2 eggs, blanch in cold water to stop cooking and keep aside.
- Boil GF rice noodles, blanch and set aside.
- Pan-sear chicken and cut into long slices.
- Thinly slice scallions.
- Place noodles in bowl and top with zucchinis, scallions, chicken, and raw scallions... then pour in chicken broth and top with sprouts and sesame seeds.
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